Beyond the Bottom Line on Apple Podcasts Gulati acknowledged that he had read the memorandum in advance of a meeting with players, including Press, on September 17, 2014, but said that he did not remember any specifics about the meeting, including whether Dames's conduct was discussed. .85 The NWSL should store all documents, including a written record of the investigation, in a central location. The evidence suggests he also discussed with Levine and with U.S. Soccer's outside counsel that Levine should give Sky Blue certain information about the allegations of sexual harassment against Riley, the circumstances of Riley's termination from the Thorns, and conclusions from the 2015 investigation. Some clubs have strictly enforced a non-fraternization policy. Dames declined requests to be interviewed in this investigation. The NWSL planned to offer the same in-person anti-harassment training in 2020 but did not do so due to the pandemic. Formation and Mandate of the Joint Investigative Team Third, Dames made personal insults, and the summary stated, these comments in a professional environment are concerning." First, the Joint Investigative Team found that the 2015 Thorns Investigation was inadequate in key ways. The NWSL represents the third attempt to establish a women's professional soccer league in the United States. This information sharing between the staff member and the player led other players to express concerns to team management that the staff member was sharing players' private medical information with the player they were dating. Horan also said "the French coach was very brutal with it." 4. One staff member said that everything Holly did "in film, in training, in games, in formations, in tactics centered around protecting" Pearce Rampone. Decisions regarding the disclosure of sexual misconduct are complex and involve numerous considerations, including player confidentiality and safety. The Joint Investigative Team conducted a review to assess the allegations against Riley and to analyze the 2015 Thorns Investigation and the response by the Thorns, NWSL, U.S. Soccer, and other stakeholders. On one occasion, Dames called her into his office in the presence of his two assistant coaches and said that the two assistant coaches had told him she "had a really bad attitude" and was a bad teammate. U.S. Soccer stopped managing the NWSL in December 2020, and terminated the allocation system through which it paid USWNT players' club salaries in December 2021. According to an external review conducted by the Red Stars in 2021, players described Dames "as 'condescending', manipulative', 'aggressive', 'insulting', [and] an intimidator."" c) Other Incidents of Retaliation They used derogatory and insulting language towards players, displayed insensitivity towards players mental health, and engaged in retaliation against players who attempted to report or did report concerns., In addressing root causes of those problems, the report says: Like many institutions, the League has been influenced by sexism, racism, homophobia, and other biases. In an interview with the Joint Investigative Team, Gulati stated he could not recall being aware in 2014 of player survey comments from that year indicating Riley was verbally abusive. And we have to do something about it." These examples are illustrative and non-exhaustive; the policy makes clear that harassment can also include physical, visual, and written conduct, such as circulating or posting written materials that show hostility toward an individual because of their protected status, including derogatory cartoons, drawings, websites, emails, text messages, gifs, or memes. In other instances, players were told they could raise concerns to club management or ownership but feared doing so due to close relationships between coaching staff and club management, or because their coach also served as general manager. In a written statement to the Joint Investigative Team, Plush contended that he was "very clear" with Malik that the Courage should not retain Riley and that Malik should reach out to Paulson to understand why Riley was "no longer coaching in Portland. Plush said he made Malik aware that the Thorns had conducted an investigation into Riley, though he acknowledged he did not disclose the investigative findings or conclusions because he had been advised by counsel that this information was "confidential" and was not the League's information to share. For example, coaches often must raise their voices to be heard across a field. One Spirit player recalled Burke going "from zero to a thousand on the aggressive scale" towards one of her teammates during a halftime speech and making the teammate cry. After players reported concerns about Huw Williams's behavior around players, he was removed from his coaching role and moved into a scouting and player identification role. In the USSF Dames Report, one player described Dames's emotional abuse as having a boyfriend that beats you, says sorry, and you go back to him."" The two most senior executives in the League's front office, Commissioner Lisa Baird and General Counsel Lisa Levine, resigned. The training for players should address appropriate communication between coaches and players, including soccer-specific constructive criticism, and should provide examples of conduct or scenarios that professional players could potentially encounter. A peek at LaHues normally busy Twitter account suggests that things began to go south sometime around June 18, when her account last posted. Are we going to hurt the league? Riley told Kaleigh Kurtz that he could "see the cellulite on [her] legs and that in order to retain her starting position, she needed to lose 14 pounds in 10 days. LaHue participated in an initial interview with the Joint Investigative Team but canceled a second scheduled interview and declined the Joint Investigative Team's repeated requests to reschedule. The supporters group claimed that the banner was removed because it was a political statement. After receiving the USSF Dames Report, U.S. Soccer failed to share sufficient information about the investigation with the NWSL, the Red Stars, or players. Cromwell told club leadership in reference to these players that the negative players suck the life out of this team," and that they were miserable people" and "bullies." Harrington was found to have "made inappropriate sexual and objectifying comments," and LaHue was found to have sent players inappropriate messages, the N.W.S.L. ), The actions of League and U.S. Soccer personnelfrom the Leagues founding, through its years under U.S. Soccer management, to the presentdemonstrate that misconduct does not announce itself, but requires proactive prevention and detection, the report says. C. If misconduct under the Anti-Harassment Policy is revealed as part of the Alternative Complaint Resolution program process, the misconduct should be reported promptly to the NWSL HR Office and/or the NWSL General Counsel. He also reportedly told a male player on an opposing Major League Soccer team that Hansen could lynch the player, supposedly in an effort to ask the player to play for Hansen's team. The anti-retaliation trainings should explain that ostracizing players or staff or ignoring them, denying players certain training opportunities or playing time, or showing favoritism toward certain other players or staff could be retaliatory if a motivating factor for engaging in the conduct relates to those individuals participating in a Protected Activity under the AntiHarassment Policy. Starr went to Simon's apartment that evening to let her know she had reported Holly's abuse but had not given Simon's name. When Gothams statement leaned on the league, a further inquiry returned this statement: Following a complaint, the league conducted an investigation and shared the findings of that investigation with Gotham FC. Some players said that they only realized that they were in emotionally abusive or manipulative environments after the fact. Multiple players emphasized that coaches who weight-shamed players often were concerned with appearance, irrespective of players' on-field performance. 114, staff and players to identify conditions and circumstances for socializing that prioritize player safety and respect for boundaries. Clubs and Owners Christy Holly (Sky Blue, Assistant Coach, 2013-2015 and Head Coach, 2016-2017; Racing Louisville, Head Coach, 2020-2021) Farrelly sat on Riley's lap, though she felt strange doing so, and she described that Riley grabbed her hips. Some players viewed this as defending stadium security staff. Two players, in separate interviews, described feeling like a tax write-off" to their clubs' owners. 1. In addition to the USSF Dames Report's internal contradictions, the report summary inappropriately minimized the severity of players' concerns. Background. Zerboni is hopeful for the building process currently underway within the league, and looks forward to seeing positive improvements implemented at the league and club levels.The recommendations set forth by the report were extensive, and can be found in the final pages of the report. But the story had been percolating since June 28, when I reported via Twitter that Alyse LaHue was away from the team. By allowing Riley to continue coaching in the NWSL, the League conveyed its continuing implicit approval of him, despite the information Plush received and the concerns that he expressed to others. Some of these players reported feeling significantly affected by Clarkson's conduct; some reported that it affected their performance during games; and two players reported that they sought therapy. Garcia declined to speak with the Joint Investigative Team. The preceding sections of this Report summarized, thematically, the Joint Investigative Team's factual findings. In January 2018, Dames informed Whisler that he could lower the pay for two staff members because those staff members would earn additional income working for Eclipse. After Press made her 2018 complaint regarding Dames's behavior, U.S. Soccer hired an outside law firm to conduct an investigation (the USSF Dames Investigation). The League also suspended former Utah Royals coach Craig Harrington and former Gotham FC general manager Alyse LaHue for at least two years on Monday. The Athletic recounted the experiences of two former players, Mana Shim and Sinead Farrelly, and reported that Riley sexually coerced players, provided alcohol to players and drank excessively with them, and made derogatory comments about players' weight and sexual orientation. It explicitly requires club employees to elevate all reports of misconduct to the League and clearly states that the League will investigate such reports. The Joint Investigative Team also reviewed documents collected from the League relating to League organizational structure, policies, and trainings regarding harassment, abuse, and discrimination, as well as documents related to complaints and reports of misconduct and investigations into those reports of misconduct, and communications between League personnel. b) Failure to Investigate Allegations from Player Surveys Throughout its 125 pages, the joint investigation repeatedly details how U.S. Soccer, the NWSL and specific clubs passed on responsibility for problems of the past to each other, with parties either claiming ignorance to specific information or stating that another party was responsible for reporting something. Misconduct in the League is not wholly independent from abuse that begins in youth soccer, where many coaches and players formative experiences shaped the way they engaged in, or reacted to, misconduct and abuse in the NWSL.. Levine learned in February 2016 that the Flash would announce their hiring of Riley, and she learned information from Plush to suggest that the Thorns had perhaps not been candid with the Flash regarding the 2015 allegations or findings against Riley. The club immediately terminated the staff member for violating club policy. The joint investigation details how LaHue sent inappropriate messages to a player, including some about the player being in her dreams, despite the player's request for those to stop and asking of LaHue to "accept that we are working together and nothing more." This incident was corroborated by both players and staff members. She "played poorly" that day, and after the game, Dames told her she would return with the team to Chicago. On August 16, 2017, Sky Blue announced that Holly was "stepping down" as head coach, and the club said it had come to a mutual agreement with Holly" and that he left "on good terms." A peek at LaHue's normally busy Twitter account suggests that things began to go south sometime around June 18, when her account last posted. In addition, the policy sets forth a general process for conducting investigations into potential violations and reporting the findings of such investigations. When LaHues termination was announced in June 2021, an NWSL spokesperson put out a statement via Meg Linehan on Twitter stating: Following a complaint, the league conducted an investigation and shared the findings of that investigation with Gotham FC. The NWSL should re-open investigations when appropriate upon obtaining additional relevant information. 3. A player and a former Sky Blue staff member both said that the environment at Sky Blue unraveled" when the team learned that Holly was dating Pearce Rampone. At one point, she sought to bring in a team-building expert to improve locker room dynamics. 9, instead, the Joint Investigative Team conducted a holistic assessment in determining which individuals to name in this Report. During this time, Duffy, who had recently become NWSL president, and Levine, who had transitioned to the role of NWSL general counsel, worked with NWSL communications staff to prepare a draft public statement (which was never publicly released) related to the handling of sexual harassment complaints and the Riley investigation. Baird, again using language drafted by Levine, responded that the initial complaint in 2015 had been investigated to conclusion." The Joint Investigative Team was in the process of scheduling an interview with Holly when the USSF Report was released. The player said it later struck her as "weird" that Riley held these sessions in his hotel room rather than using a meeting room. On the day Dames resigned, Whisler texted him She did recall discussing one of the transactions with Williams and that he offered a soccer-related reason for the transaction. At the second club, the relationship between the staff member and the player allowed rumors to pass between management, staff, and players. As a result, when Racing Louisville hired Holly in 2020, individuals they spoke with at Sky Blue and the NWSL lacked the information necessary to provide a complete answer about Holly's departure from Sky Blue. Yet, because of the deficiencies of the investigation and the systemic failures of U.S. Soccer, the NWSL, and the Red Stars, Dames's behavior went unaddressed during his nine seasons as head coach. However, that position is inconsistent with other evidence, including an email from counsel for the Thorns and Plush's own prior communications with Sky Blue. The report, however, acknowledges that "a majority of players expressed the view that Clarkson's treatment of players did not rise to the level of abuse or misconduct. A majority of the players who participated in the investigation raised the concern that "Dames would get close to players, learn personal information about them, and then use the information he gained . In January 2017, NCWFC, LLC, owned by Steve Malik, bought the Flash and moved the team to North Carolina, renaming it the North Carolina Courage. NWSL Expels 4 Former Coaches After BigLaw Abuse Probes - Law360 When asked whether he ever referred to players as "morons," Burke told the Joint Investigative Team he could not recall ever calling a player a "moron" directly, but that he may have said to players, "Don't be a moron." One player identified by Cromwell and Greene as having been involved in the March 2022 investigation was informed that the club was either waiving her or buying out her contract. NJ/NY Gotham FC and general manager Alyse LaHue have parted ways. Leadership at the Thorns had knowledge of misconduct by Paul Riley, including his drinking alcohol with players and reported mistreatment of players, even before Mana Shim made a formal complaint in September 2015 of sexual misconduct by Riley. She added that it was possible her performance had in fact decreased because she was not comfortable with the situation. Jeff Plush (NWSL, Commissioner, 2014-2017) An investigation commissioned by the National Women's Soccer League and its players union found "widespread misconduct" directed at players dating back to the beginnings nearly a decade ago of the league. Farrelly asked what steps the NWSL intended to take in connection with inappropriate conduct that was initially reported" and offered to make herself available for an interview. to discount the impact of his behaviors." During this meeting, Starr shared Simon's name. Shortly after Garcia began investigating, the Thorns retained a law firm to assist in the investigation. Vera Pauw (Houston Dash, Head Coach, 2018) While the investigation into Clarkson was ongoing, players submitted an additional formal complaint and again reached out to the Joint Investigative Team to raise both related and additional concerns about Clarkson's treatment of players, expressing fear that Clarkson would retaliate against them if he learned they had raised complaints. However, player confidentiality and safety were not the motivating factors in the Thorns's decision to withhold information about Riley's misconduct from the Flash and the Courage. This player told the Joint Investigative Team that she did not feel comfortable reporting Burke's misconduct to Spirit club leadership because of Burke's control over players' careers and because of his seeming closeness with certain club staff and leadership. She said that when clubs receive a player complaint, they must ask the League what to do [and] where to tell them to go," and added that it was "really unclear what do you do locally versus what goes straight to the League. The HR director at one club explained that she had to reach out to the League for guidance on HR matters because none was provided, and she often assumed that the League, not the club, would handle potential misconduct reported by players. Golub told the Joint Investigative Team he did not recall speaking with Lines during that time regarding Riley. These measures may help increase diversity in the NWSL coaching ranks. In the 2020 survey, a player for the Spirit wrote that Burke was "unprofessional in his communication with certain players, that he play[ed] major psychological games with certain players, and that he used demeaning language." 100 D. Players also lacked uniform trainings addressing how to identify and respond to inappropriate conduct. NWSL commissioner resigns amid bombshell abuse allegations - New York Post The Thorns's Flawed 2015 Investigation and Opaque Termination of Riley One club staff member stated that Dames would give the team three days off, but would not inform them until the day before, leaving the team "stuck [and] not able to get out of Illinois. The staff member said, I don't know if that's him being controlling, but also noted that it felt like Dames didn't like people leaving market." None of the club policies referenced the 2021 Anti-Harassment Policy provision requiring supervisors, managers, coaches, and all general managers to report all potential violations of the policy to the NWSL HR Manager. As described in the following sections, the failure to fully and adequately investigate and address these reports harmed NWSL players and discouraged players and other stakeholders from reporting misconduct. 14 None of the individuals interviewed by the Joint Investigative Team who had contemporaneous knowledge of Riley's misconduct, and who were in positions to take action at the Thorns, U.S. Soccer, or the NWSL, appeared to appreciate the seriousness of the misconduct, or viewed Riley as a danger to players, until Shim and Farrelly went public in 2021. It didn't matter that the girls had other jobs-this team was their life." Sky Blue had three picks in the first round of the National Women's Soccer . Nikki Stanton reported that Holly, who had been close to her and spent hours each week personally training her, abruptly stopped when Stanton told him she had started dating another player. According to Malik, Paulson told him in 2019 that the Thorns did not terminate Riley, but that Riley's contract was not renewed. Weight-Shaming Comments and Pressure Players explained that this dynamic can be exacerbated for bench players or newer players who might not feel empowered to speak up, or who might feel that their position on the team is not sufficiently secure. The staff member said that a player told her that the team felt "if they ever said anything [negative about Dames], at the end of the season they would just get traded off." On October 4, 2022, in response to the USSF Report, Paulson publicly stated that he, Wilkinson, and Golub were removing themselves from all Thorns-related decision-making until the Joint Investigative Team's investigative findings were released. Several individuals separately confirmed Benstiti was explicitly told he could not discuss weight or food with the players. After Riley joined the Thorns, he targeted Thorns player Mana Shim. One player noted "bystander training" for players could be helpful so that players could help other players experiencing misconduct. She also reported that she had not at the time personally dealt with her experiences with Riley, and she was afraid of jeopardizing her position on the Thorns, which she felt was the best team to play for in the NWSL. Harrington then stated that the player may have contacted him via WhatsApp or may have just flagged [him] down" in the hotel lobby. The 2022 Anti-Harassment Policy prohibits a range of misconduct. On October 14, 2021, the club announced that Baldwin, along with owner Bill Lynch, would sell their shares in the club to Kang. In a separate conversation with Dames, Whisler revealed that he had also spoken to a different player about the complaint. Upon the conclusion of the investigation, U.S. Soccer did not communicate the investigation's factual findings to the players, the Red Stars, or the NWSL. Craig Harrington, the former Utah Royal F.C. NWSL investigation finds 'ongoing misconduct,' details culture of abuse, Red Stars owner Whisler selling stake in club, NWSL year in review: Extreme parity, emerging USWNT stars, new CBA, Yates report, more, NWSL abuse allegations as they happened: Portland Thorns, Washington Spirit timelines, day by day, Stream on ESPN+: LaLiga, Bundesliga, MLS, more (U.S.). Pre And Post Training Evaluation Template, Stanley To Cradle Mountain, How To Get Impound Fees Waived California, Articles A
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Simon explained that after she confronted Holly for sexually abusing her, as discussed in greater detail above, Holly began verbally abusing her, including in front of other players. We felt like charity," one player explained. When Starr asked Simon how Holly had touched her inappropriately, Starr recalled Simon stating that Holly had "put his hands down her pants" while watching film at the stadium, and that if she "messed up," Holly would "hold it against her." 1. Craig Harrington blurred professional boundaries with players. Players on another team reported that a former assistant coach liked tweets critical of the Black Lives Matter movement, causing several Black and non-Black players to be uncomfortable and upset with the assistant coach. Paulson further noted that this was not the first time he told Malik that Riley had been terminated; he said he told Malik about the termination during a meeting of NWSL owners prior to this August 2019 call. Over time, she felt that Dames was learning details of her personal life" from these players and felt the need to "distance herself" from them. 15, "manipulative" and noted that Holly stopped building her up and "became a monster" after she began a relationship with someone. LaHue is supportive of the ongoing reforms that are taking place in the NWSL. 12 4. The same player stated that Holly would "attack" another player about her boyfriend, and Holly would tell this player that he felt like he was dating her. These biases are central to any evaluation of misconduct in the League.. Malik recalled that after his conversation with Paulson, he asked Plush for the report but Plush declined, telling Malik that the issue was an HR matter and that Riley had been cleared. In text messages to Dames, Whisler spoke negatively of Press and expressed suspicion about players' motives for raising concerns. The Joint Investigative Team sent emails to all current and former players for whom the NWSL maintained an active email address, encouraging players to share any information about harassment, abuse, bullying, discrimination, or any other misconduct they experienced or observed during their time playing in the NWSL. Shim and Farrelly expressed concern that Riley was still coaching in the NWSL, and Farrelly provided additional information regarding Riley that should have been of interest to the NWSL, but Levine did not take any steps to investigate further and drafted responsive language for then-Commissioner Lisa Baird to send to Shim and Farrelly conveying that the matter was closed. The NWSL should update the 2022 Anti-Harassment Policy to incorporate the NonFraternization Policy currently found in its Operations Manual. Against this backdrop, some players reported misconduct anonymously through player surveys conducted by the NWSL. 3. Sky Blue and NJ/NY Gotham Indeed, after Riley was fired on September 30, 2021, Kurtz disclosed additional misconduct by Riley, and another player told the club that Riley had been verbally abusive and created a "culture of fear" in which players could not express opinions, and that other coaches had allowed Riley to engage in this behavior. Beyond the Bottom Line on Apple Podcasts Gulati acknowledged that he had read the memorandum in advance of a meeting with players, including Press, on September 17, 2014, but said that he did not remember any specifics about the meeting, including whether Dames's conduct was discussed. .85 The NWSL should store all documents, including a written record of the investigation, in a central location. The evidence suggests he also discussed with Levine and with U.S. Soccer's outside counsel that Levine should give Sky Blue certain information about the allegations of sexual harassment against Riley, the circumstances of Riley's termination from the Thorns, and conclusions from the 2015 investigation. Some clubs have strictly enforced a non-fraternization policy. Dames declined requests to be interviewed in this investigation. The NWSL planned to offer the same in-person anti-harassment training in 2020 but did not do so due to the pandemic. Formation and Mandate of the Joint Investigative Team Third, Dames made personal insults, and the summary stated, these comments in a professional environment are concerning." First, the Joint Investigative Team found that the 2015 Thorns Investigation was inadequate in key ways. The NWSL represents the third attempt to establish a women's professional soccer league in the United States. This information sharing between the staff member and the player led other players to express concerns to team management that the staff member was sharing players' private medical information with the player they were dating. Horan also said "the French coach was very brutal with it." 4. One staff member said that everything Holly did "in film, in training, in games, in formations, in tactics centered around protecting" Pearce Rampone. Decisions regarding the disclosure of sexual misconduct are complex and involve numerous considerations, including player confidentiality and safety. The Joint Investigative Team conducted a review to assess the allegations against Riley and to analyze the 2015 Thorns Investigation and the response by the Thorns, NWSL, U.S. Soccer, and other stakeholders. On one occasion, Dames called her into his office in the presence of his two assistant coaches and said that the two assistant coaches had told him she "had a really bad attitude" and was a bad teammate. U.S. Soccer stopped managing the NWSL in December 2020, and terminated the allocation system through which it paid USWNT players' club salaries in December 2021. According to an external review conducted by the Red Stars in 2021, players described Dames "as 'condescending', manipulative', 'aggressive', 'insulting', [and] an intimidator."" c) Other Incidents of Retaliation They used derogatory and insulting language towards players, displayed insensitivity towards players mental health, and engaged in retaliation against players who attempted to report or did report concerns., In addressing root causes of those problems, the report says: Like many institutions, the League has been influenced by sexism, racism, homophobia, and other biases. In an interview with the Joint Investigative Team, Gulati stated he could not recall being aware in 2014 of player survey comments from that year indicating Riley was verbally abusive. And we have to do something about it." These examples are illustrative and non-exhaustive; the policy makes clear that harassment can also include physical, visual, and written conduct, such as circulating or posting written materials that show hostility toward an individual because of their protected status, including derogatory cartoons, drawings, websites, emails, text messages, gifs, or memes. In other instances, players were told they could raise concerns to club management or ownership but feared doing so due to close relationships between coaching staff and club management, or because their coach also served as general manager. In a written statement to the Joint Investigative Team, Plush contended that he was "very clear" with Malik that the Courage should not retain Riley and that Malik should reach out to Paulson to understand why Riley was "no longer coaching in Portland. Plush said he made Malik aware that the Thorns had conducted an investigation into Riley, though he acknowledged he did not disclose the investigative findings or conclusions because he had been advised by counsel that this information was "confidential" and was not the League's information to share. For example, coaches often must raise their voices to be heard across a field. One Spirit player recalled Burke going "from zero to a thousand on the aggressive scale" towards one of her teammates during a halftime speech and making the teammate cry. After players reported concerns about Huw Williams's behavior around players, he was removed from his coaching role and moved into a scouting and player identification role. In the USSF Dames Report, one player described Dames's emotional abuse as having a boyfriend that beats you, says sorry, and you go back to him."" The two most senior executives in the League's front office, Commissioner Lisa Baird and General Counsel Lisa Levine, resigned. The training for players should address appropriate communication between coaches and players, including soccer-specific constructive criticism, and should provide examples of conduct or scenarios that professional players could potentially encounter. A peek at LaHues normally busy Twitter account suggests that things began to go south sometime around June 18, when her account last posted. Are we going to hurt the league? Riley told Kaleigh Kurtz that he could "see the cellulite on [her] legs and that in order to retain her starting position, she needed to lose 14 pounds in 10 days. LaHue participated in an initial interview with the Joint Investigative Team but canceled a second scheduled interview and declined the Joint Investigative Team's repeated requests to reschedule. The supporters group claimed that the banner was removed because it was a political statement. After receiving the USSF Dames Report, U.S. Soccer failed to share sufficient information about the investigation with the NWSL, the Red Stars, or players. Cromwell told club leadership in reference to these players that the negative players suck the life out of this team," and that they were miserable people" and "bullies." Harrington was found to have "made inappropriate sexual and objectifying comments," and LaHue was found to have sent players inappropriate messages, the N.W.S.L. ), The actions of League and U.S. Soccer personnelfrom the Leagues founding, through its years under U.S. Soccer management, to the presentdemonstrate that misconduct does not announce itself, but requires proactive prevention and detection, the report says. C. If misconduct under the Anti-Harassment Policy is revealed as part of the Alternative Complaint Resolution program process, the misconduct should be reported promptly to the NWSL HR Office and/or the NWSL General Counsel. He also reportedly told a male player on an opposing Major League Soccer team that Hansen could lynch the player, supposedly in an effort to ask the player to play for Hansen's team. The anti-retaliation trainings should explain that ostracizing players or staff or ignoring them, denying players certain training opportunities or playing time, or showing favoritism toward certain other players or staff could be retaliatory if a motivating factor for engaging in the conduct relates to those individuals participating in a Protected Activity under the AntiHarassment Policy. Starr went to Simon's apartment that evening to let her know she had reported Holly's abuse but had not given Simon's name. When Gothams statement leaned on the league, a further inquiry returned this statement: Following a complaint, the league conducted an investigation and shared the findings of that investigation with Gotham FC. Some players said that they only realized that they were in emotionally abusive or manipulative environments after the fact. Multiple players emphasized that coaches who weight-shamed players often were concerned with appearance, irrespective of players' on-field performance. 114, staff and players to identify conditions and circumstances for socializing that prioritize player safety and respect for boundaries. Clubs and Owners Christy Holly (Sky Blue, Assistant Coach, 2013-2015 and Head Coach, 2016-2017; Racing Louisville, Head Coach, 2020-2021) Farrelly sat on Riley's lap, though she felt strange doing so, and she described that Riley grabbed her hips. Some players viewed this as defending stadium security staff. Two players, in separate interviews, described feeling like a tax write-off" to their clubs' owners. 1. In addition to the USSF Dames Report's internal contradictions, the report summary inappropriately minimized the severity of players' concerns. Background. Zerboni is hopeful for the building process currently underway within the league, and looks forward to seeing positive improvements implemented at the league and club levels.The recommendations set forth by the report were extensive, and can be found in the final pages of the report. But the story had been percolating since June 28, when I reported via Twitter that Alyse LaHue was away from the team. By allowing Riley to continue coaching in the NWSL, the League conveyed its continuing implicit approval of him, despite the information Plush received and the concerns that he expressed to others. Some of these players reported feeling significantly affected by Clarkson's conduct; some reported that it affected their performance during games; and two players reported that they sought therapy. Garcia declined to speak with the Joint Investigative Team. The preceding sections of this Report summarized, thematically, the Joint Investigative Team's factual findings. In January 2018, Dames informed Whisler that he could lower the pay for two staff members because those staff members would earn additional income working for Eclipse. After Press made her 2018 complaint regarding Dames's behavior, U.S. Soccer hired an outside law firm to conduct an investigation (the USSF Dames Investigation). The League also suspended former Utah Royals coach Craig Harrington and former Gotham FC general manager Alyse LaHue for at least two years on Monday. The Athletic recounted the experiences of two former players, Mana Shim and Sinead Farrelly, and reported that Riley sexually coerced players, provided alcohol to players and drank excessively with them, and made derogatory comments about players' weight and sexual orientation. It explicitly requires club employees to elevate all reports of misconduct to the League and clearly states that the League will investigate such reports. The Joint Investigative Team also reviewed documents collected from the League relating to League organizational structure, policies, and trainings regarding harassment, abuse, and discrimination, as well as documents related to complaints and reports of misconduct and investigations into those reports of misconduct, and communications between League personnel. b) Failure to Investigate Allegations from Player Surveys Throughout its 125 pages, the joint investigation repeatedly details how U.S. Soccer, the NWSL and specific clubs passed on responsibility for problems of the past to each other, with parties either claiming ignorance to specific information or stating that another party was responsible for reporting something. Misconduct in the League is not wholly independent from abuse that begins in youth soccer, where many coaches and players formative experiences shaped the way they engaged in, or reacted to, misconduct and abuse in the NWSL.. Levine learned in February 2016 that the Flash would announce their hiring of Riley, and she learned information from Plush to suggest that the Thorns had perhaps not been candid with the Flash regarding the 2015 allegations or findings against Riley. The club immediately terminated the staff member for violating club policy. The joint investigation details how LaHue sent inappropriate messages to a player, including some about the player being in her dreams, despite the player's request for those to stop and asking of LaHue to "accept that we are working together and nothing more." This incident was corroborated by both players and staff members. She "played poorly" that day, and after the game, Dames told her she would return with the team to Chicago. On August 16, 2017, Sky Blue announced that Holly was "stepping down" as head coach, and the club said it had come to a mutual agreement with Holly" and that he left "on good terms." A peek at LaHue's normally busy Twitter account suggests that things began to go south sometime around June 18, when her account last posted. In addition, the policy sets forth a general process for conducting investigations into potential violations and reporting the findings of such investigations. When LaHues termination was announced in June 2021, an NWSL spokesperson put out a statement via Meg Linehan on Twitter stating: Following a complaint, the league conducted an investigation and shared the findings of that investigation with Gotham FC. The NWSL should re-open investigations when appropriate upon obtaining additional relevant information. 3. A player and a former Sky Blue staff member both said that the environment at Sky Blue unraveled" when the team learned that Holly was dating Pearce Rampone. At one point, she sought to bring in a team-building expert to improve locker room dynamics. 9, instead, the Joint Investigative Team conducted a holistic assessment in determining which individuals to name in this Report. During this time, Duffy, who had recently become NWSL president, and Levine, who had transitioned to the role of NWSL general counsel, worked with NWSL communications staff to prepare a draft public statement (which was never publicly released) related to the handling of sexual harassment complaints and the Riley investigation. Baird, again using language drafted by Levine, responded that the initial complaint in 2015 had been investigated to conclusion." The Joint Investigative Team was in the process of scheduling an interview with Holly when the USSF Report was released. The player said it later struck her as "weird" that Riley held these sessions in his hotel room rather than using a meeting room. On the day Dames resigned, Whisler texted him She did recall discussing one of the transactions with Williams and that he offered a soccer-related reason for the transaction. At the second club, the relationship between the staff member and the player allowed rumors to pass between management, staff, and players. As a result, when Racing Louisville hired Holly in 2020, individuals they spoke with at Sky Blue and the NWSL lacked the information necessary to provide a complete answer about Holly's departure from Sky Blue. Yet, because of the deficiencies of the investigation and the systemic failures of U.S. Soccer, the NWSL, and the Red Stars, Dames's behavior went unaddressed during his nine seasons as head coach. However, that position is inconsistent with other evidence, including an email from counsel for the Thorns and Plush's own prior communications with Sky Blue. The report, however, acknowledges that "a majority of players expressed the view that Clarkson's treatment of players did not rise to the level of abuse or misconduct. A majority of the players who participated in the investigation raised the concern that "Dames would get close to players, learn personal information about them, and then use the information he gained . In January 2017, NCWFC, LLC, owned by Steve Malik, bought the Flash and moved the team to North Carolina, renaming it the North Carolina Courage. NWSL Expels 4 Former Coaches After BigLaw Abuse Probes - Law360 When asked whether he ever referred to players as "morons," Burke told the Joint Investigative Team he could not recall ever calling a player a "moron" directly, but that he may have said to players, "Don't be a moron." One player identified by Cromwell and Greene as having been involved in the March 2022 investigation was informed that the club was either waiving her or buying out her contract. NJ/NY Gotham FC and general manager Alyse LaHue have parted ways. Leadership at the Thorns had knowledge of misconduct by Paul Riley, including his drinking alcohol with players and reported mistreatment of players, even before Mana Shim made a formal complaint in September 2015 of sexual misconduct by Riley. She added that it was possible her performance had in fact decreased because she was not comfortable with the situation. Jeff Plush (NWSL, Commissioner, 2014-2017) An investigation commissioned by the National Women's Soccer League and its players union found "widespread misconduct" directed at players dating back to the beginnings nearly a decade ago of the league. Farrelly asked what steps the NWSL intended to take in connection with inappropriate conduct that was initially reported" and offered to make herself available for an interview. to discount the impact of his behaviors." During this meeting, Starr shared Simon's name. Shortly after Garcia began investigating, the Thorns retained a law firm to assist in the investigation. Vera Pauw (Houston Dash, Head Coach, 2018) While the investigation into Clarkson was ongoing, players submitted an additional formal complaint and again reached out to the Joint Investigative Team to raise both related and additional concerns about Clarkson's treatment of players, expressing fear that Clarkson would retaliate against them if he learned they had raised complaints. However, player confidentiality and safety were not the motivating factors in the Thorns's decision to withhold information about Riley's misconduct from the Flash and the Courage. This player told the Joint Investigative Team that she did not feel comfortable reporting Burke's misconduct to Spirit club leadership because of Burke's control over players' careers and because of his seeming closeness with certain club staff and leadership. She said that when clubs receive a player complaint, they must ask the League what to do [and] where to tell them to go," and added that it was "really unclear what do you do locally versus what goes straight to the League. The HR director at one club explained that she had to reach out to the League for guidance on HR matters because none was provided, and she often assumed that the League, not the club, would handle potential misconduct reported by players. Golub told the Joint Investigative Team he did not recall speaking with Lines during that time regarding Riley. These measures may help increase diversity in the NWSL coaching ranks. In the 2020 survey, a player for the Spirit wrote that Burke was "unprofessional in his communication with certain players, that he play[ed] major psychological games with certain players, and that he used demeaning language." 100 D. Players also lacked uniform trainings addressing how to identify and respond to inappropriate conduct. NWSL commissioner resigns amid bombshell abuse allegations - New York Post The Thorns's Flawed 2015 Investigation and Opaque Termination of Riley One club staff member stated that Dames would give the team three days off, but would not inform them until the day before, leaving the team "stuck [and] not able to get out of Illinois. The staff member said, I don't know if that's him being controlling, but also noted that it felt like Dames didn't like people leaving market." None of the club policies referenced the 2021 Anti-Harassment Policy provision requiring supervisors, managers, coaches, and all general managers to report all potential violations of the policy to the NWSL HR Manager. As described in the following sections, the failure to fully and adequately investigate and address these reports harmed NWSL players and discouraged players and other stakeholders from reporting misconduct. 14 None of the individuals interviewed by the Joint Investigative Team who had contemporaneous knowledge of Riley's misconduct, and who were in positions to take action at the Thorns, U.S. Soccer, or the NWSL, appeared to appreciate the seriousness of the misconduct, or viewed Riley as a danger to players, until Shim and Farrelly went public in 2021. It didn't matter that the girls had other jobs-this team was their life." Sky Blue had three picks in the first round of the National Women's Soccer . Nikki Stanton reported that Holly, who had been close to her and spent hours each week personally training her, abruptly stopped when Stanton told him she had started dating another player. According to Malik, Paulson told him in 2019 that the Thorns did not terminate Riley, but that Riley's contract was not renewed. Weight-Shaming Comments and Pressure Players explained that this dynamic can be exacerbated for bench players or newer players who might not feel empowered to speak up, or who might feel that their position on the team is not sufficiently secure. The staff member said that a player told her that the team felt "if they ever said anything [negative about Dames], at the end of the season they would just get traded off." On October 4, 2022, in response to the USSF Report, Paulson publicly stated that he, Wilkinson, and Golub were removing themselves from all Thorns-related decision-making until the Joint Investigative Team's investigative findings were released. Several individuals separately confirmed Benstiti was explicitly told he could not discuss weight or food with the players. After Riley joined the Thorns, he targeted Thorns player Mana Shim. One player noted "bystander training" for players could be helpful so that players could help other players experiencing misconduct. She also reported that she had not at the time personally dealt with her experiences with Riley, and she was afraid of jeopardizing her position on the Thorns, which she felt was the best team to play for in the NWSL. Harrington then stated that the player may have contacted him via WhatsApp or may have just flagged [him] down" in the hotel lobby. The 2022 Anti-Harassment Policy prohibits a range of misconduct. On October 14, 2021, the club announced that Baldwin, along with owner Bill Lynch, would sell their shares in the club to Kang. In a separate conversation with Dames, Whisler revealed that he had also spoken to a different player about the complaint. Upon the conclusion of the investigation, U.S. Soccer did not communicate the investigation's factual findings to the players, the Red Stars, or the NWSL. Craig Harrington, the former Utah Royal F.C. NWSL investigation finds 'ongoing misconduct,' details culture of abuse, Red Stars owner Whisler selling stake in club, NWSL year in review: Extreme parity, emerging USWNT stars, new CBA, Yates report, more, NWSL abuse allegations as they happened: Portland Thorns, Washington Spirit timelines, day by day, Stream on ESPN+: LaLiga, Bundesliga, MLS, more (U.S.).

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