Iphigenia (1977) - Iphigenia (1977) - User Reviews - IMDb What an awful burden Helen andTroyhave become for us! If you cannot persuade him then come back to me. Iphigeneia at Aulis. Chorus That is, if what they say about you being Ledas daughter is true. Then you scratch away the seal and then you throw its pine frame onto the ground and then you begin to cry profusely! Its a meadow full of bright and beautiful flowers. Clytemnestra Character Analysis in Iphigenia at Aulis | LitCharts Klytaimestra May joy be with you for ever, Achilles. How I wish he never lived at that meadow where all the flowers bloomed: roses and hyacinths, all those flowers that the goddesses plucked. Please lend me your arms, so that I may get down from the seat of this carriage modestly. Help us for that reason and help us, too, because if my daughter is killed on the altar that would be a bad omen for your future marital prospects, an omen you should try and avoid. Among these the problem of the prologue is as clear-cut as it is controversial.2 It may be summarized as follows: (I) Our text opens abruptly with an anapaestic dialogue between Agamem-non and the Retainer (1-48), instead of the usual monologue in trimeters. Aided and abetted by the gods! Listen to Books & Original Audio Performances : Book Depository Books With Free Delivery Worldwide: Box Office Mojo Find Movie Box Office Data: ComiXology Do you think Im some slave of yours? Achilles! I can see you there now: a nobleman becoming a brother-in-law to a nobleman, to the divine Achilles, the son of Thetis the Nereid. 58. With his own sword, madam he will make bloody the young girls white neck bloody it with her own blood! Chorus What joyful news that messenger has brought you, my lady! Old Man Yes, my lady and so, I am more loyal to you than I am to your husband. If I must then I shall wash away her oracle with my blood, with my sacrifice upon her altar. Old Man How can you say such a thing, my lord? First Chorus What an awful thing it is for brothers whose views differ to come to insults! Exit Agamemnon. No mother, no father. Euripides (484 BCE - 406 BCE) Translated by Theodore Alois Buckley (1825 - 1856). Madam, let this sword of mine bear witness to what Im about to say! I would have given it if the Greeks couldnt get to Troy without my doing so. Gluck: Overture to "Iphigenia in Aulis" / Mori - YouTube Youd greet anyone and everyone, hoping with this behaviour to gain their approval and thus become their leader. As for the other sort, the bad ones, they are everywhere! Iphigenia in Aulis is an Attic, or Greek, tragedy composed by Euripides (circa 480-406 BCE). It seems that the generals do as they please with me. He managed to film a Greek tragedy to screen without losing its effectiveness and importance. Me, Leda's daughter, hapless dame, First blooming offspring of her bed. Chorus And so, the blessed couple were wed by the gods: The nobly born oldest daughter of Nereas and Peleas. Yet it is right that she should come with her sweet daughter to give her away as a bride. Agamemnon And you shouldnt be hanging around here, among all the soldiers! iphigenia in aulis monologue mother listen to me. I have no one else to turn to, no other friend, no other altar to pray upon. The Plot of Iphigeneia at Aulis. The barbarian blood of the sons of Atreas, of your husband, madam and that of his brother, if either of them snatches your daughter from my hands! Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. Your father has gone, my darling and abandoned you to Hades! 1600. 510. What a sweet joy! Can you pronounce this word better. Chiron, they cried out, Chiron who knows well the meaning of Apollos words, foretells that youll give Thessaly a son, a boy wholl be its brightest light. Soon youll wake up a happy young man, my son. Argue with others about that. What ruin, what catastrophe youve brought upon me by running off with Helen! Menelaos No! Are you still sleeping my baby? She has flown away to the Heavens! This last one, Helen, had received the most famous, the greatest sons of the whole ofHellasas her suitors ferocious threats of murder were uttered by those who had missed out on her. Thats Achilles, my darling. Here are the two of us, ones a baby, the other a grown up girl, a brother and a sister, both your children, begging you, by your beard, pleading with you. I, too feel the same pain so I wont be angry with you. My mother! Klytaimestra Ive come out here looking for my husband. Menelaos Listen to me, Agamemnon! 860. He announced that if we did make that offering to the goddess, we would be able to sail away and we would succeed in sacking the Phrygian capital,Troy; otherwise we would fail. 640. Klytaimestra How can there be a death and not a grave? Then, the moment you became one, all this nice behaviour changed and you had turned your back on all your friends. Leave! Your fathers holy water is waiting for you! Ah! Iphigeneia Well then, get rid of this ugly frown from the face that I love so much! How much suffering, how much pain has Helen, Tyndareus daughter, brought upon us, upon the children of Danaus! Menelaos And you should not be bringing so much trouble to the Greeks! If the gods are just, then they should reward just men like you. Old man is being too slow for Agamemnon. This is very dangerous indeed, my lord! Achilles No, my lady, dont call your daughter out to see me. Klytaimestra Our other daughters are looked after well and they are safe in their quarters. Chorus He is the Trojan Ganymede, the loving delight of Zeus bed! Why run away? Old man, come out here! Finally, my old friend, he came upon the answer. In his frenzy, he rushed about the whole ofGreece, calling upon everyone to remember Tyndareus solemn oath and to help him, since he was the wronged husband. Achilles Alone? She is in there, crying and falling from one abyss of misery into another. She leads her mother into the tent and returns to centre stage. Come, son of a goddess! I need to tell you things that our daughter should not hear. His baby sounds will make no sense but theyll be full of meaning. To Dardanos house, in Troy, to bring back Menelaos wife, Helen. The very last thing you do. Achilles Then listen to me carefully, madam so that well achieve our aim. Agamemnon And if she has already left the safety of her home and if you chance to meet her retinue on the road, send them back again take the reins from their hands and hasten the horses towards the shrines of the Cyclopes. 1440. Iphigeneia Yes, mother. My own heart aches more for poor Hellas than for you because Hellas was about to achieve something great against the barbarians when you and your daughter stopped her; and now these insignificant barbarians will be allowed to go free! 101. Iphignie en Aulide (Gluck) - The Opera Scribe Let someone go and prepare the sacrificial basket and may the blessed fire burn high with the purifying barley. 1531. Agamemnon I envy you, old man! Spare me! Its not Menelaos whos in control here, Iphigeneia. Where is the leader of the Greek army? Iphigeneia Oh, Im so happy youve brought me here to see you. What a price to pay for the sake of saving a slut! Let my pity be a protective blanket over you; it is the pity of a young man but it is a sincere pity, nevertheless and one brought about by the fact that I have been the one named as your daughters husband. IPHIGENIA IN AULIS - Monologue (Iphigenia) - Mighty Actor Klytaimestra Sounds ideal to me. Which of the gods has stolen you? The Plays of Euripides, translated by E. P. Coleridge. I shall speak clearly for you. Old Man Psssst! Achilles But who are you, madam? Then, without anyone forcing you, totally of your accord and dont claim it wasnt- you had sent a letter to your wife to bring Iphigenia here, in the pretence that shed be marrying Achilles. Why where do they say the Phrygians live, father? It has burdened me with lack of sleep and with overactive eyes. We use cookies for essential site functions and for social media integration. I can talk no more. A safe return? And, do I not also have the right to make my own prayer to the gods about you? What a disgraceful behaviour! The world beneath the earth is a world of nothing. From now on, think only of me. Agamemnon Thank goodness youre out here, Ledas daughter. I feel too humiliated to face you after the lies Ive uttered, after the dreadful way Ive been treated! Believe me, madam: Agamemnon will not slaughter her! The Aenians brought twelve ships, captained by their king, Gouneus; and beside them were moored the lords ofEliswhom everyone called Epeians. How full of torment is life for us ephemeral creatures! Dont look at me for that, I cant give you one! When is the wedding? He is the son of the goddess Thetis, and his tutor was Cheiron, the most honourable of all the centaurs. First Chorus Helen was given as a gift toParis, by Aphrodite, one day when, near the cool springs, she won the beauty contest from her rivals, Hera and Palas Athena. What a weak little helper you are, my tiny brother! First Chorus We have come to watch the army of the divine Greeks and their thousand ships. 180. 570. Agamemnon approaches Iphigeneia and tries to console her. Old Man A slave. Agamemnon My old friend, Thestius daughter, Leda, had three daughters: Phoebe, Klytaimestra (my wife) and Helen. 1260. What an awful Fate the gods have delivered to you! It was written sometime between 408 and 406 BCE (the date of his death) and was first produced in the year following his death, where it won first place at the Athenian City Dionysia contest. Youll be back inArgos, taking care of our other daughters. What should I call them? Youre the son of a god and I am a mere mortal! Clytemnestra hears that Achilles is faithless, whereupon she at once urges Iphigenia to leave Aulis and return home. Iphegenia at Aulis) was left unfinished at Euripides' death in 406 BCE, and so the beginning and the ending especially are mutilated and choppy.Completed by someone else, it along with The Bacchae and the lost Alcmaeon formed a trio produced in Athens which won Euripides a fifth albeit posthumous first prize.. Agamemnon recounts the recent history of Helen's suitors . Old Man Menelaos! Agamemnon Zeus himself gave her to him. And help me, too. 710. You are the cause of this miserable conflict between the sons of Atreas and their children! Only fools would pray to go down there. It is a madness I cannot control. Gone! Weve been robbed! Achilles Ah! This masterful play is masterfully adapted for the screen and brought to life by a wonderful cast. Oh, goddess who lets her brilliant light roll along through the gloomy darkness of the night! First Chorus I sped through Artemis woods, a place rich with sacrifices, my youthful shyness blushing my cheeks, anxious to see the armys might, the tents of the Greeks and their countless horses. Calchas. Chorus He said your daughter is still alive, my lady! Thank you, my sweet daughter! Its a common thing for a man to be shy when he meets his relatives for the first time and theyre talking about marriage! He was the one responsible for that job. Current location in this text. Klytaimestra Did they? Now call her out here so she can follow me to the altar. But listen to me, Iphigeneia. Agamemnon What? Oh, your poor cheeks, your poor beautiful, golden hair, your youthful breasts! 240, First Chorus Their emblem was the goddess, Palas Athena, standing on a chariot pulled by winged horses, an emblem that pleased and encouraged the sailors. It was there, at that meadow, that these three women came before Paris to put an end to their dire contest about which of them was the most beautiful. The Greek army is getting ready to sail. Promise me that you wont cut even a strand of your hair in mourning nor wear black! What is it that I need to hear alone, out here? Enter Achilles with fellow soldiers in full armour. Old Man Because Menelaos took it away from me, my lady. Iphigenia among the Taurians, Bacchae, Iphigenia at Aulis, Rhesus You may accept or manage cookie usage at any time. Klytaimestra Darling, no! Towards this now, mother turn your thoughts, and with me weigh how well I speak; to me the whole of mighty Hellas looks; on me the passage over the sea depends; on me the sack of Troy; [1380] and in my power it lies to check henceforth barbarian raids on happy Hellas, if ever in the days to come they seek to seize her women, when once they have Are you here to add to the mountain of dread I have to endure already? Please dont get angry with me. IPHIGENIA IN AULIS - Monologue (Clytemnestra) - Mighty Actor Its not my fault she left you for another man, so why should I pay for your mistakes? Oh, my girl! He alone did it, he, alone, with his very own hand! Let that act be what Ill be remembered by. Enter a Perseus citation to go to another section or work. A city built by the Cyclopes! 821. Menelaos Yes, you may well suffer now because I did break your seal and yes, I do know the secret trickery you were concocting! And so, the Greeks ordered you to let them board their ships and go back home and to stop wasting their efforts here. Your words are good, worthy of our country. Iphigenia In Tauris - Project Gutenberg 990. Still, if I fail? As Iphigeneia approaches her, Agamemnon enters. Both of us, darling! Old Man That? First Chorus And it is a great thing to follow the footprints of virtue like a hunter follows the footprints of his prey. Chorus Friends, let us sing our prayer to Artemis! Did they not side with you? You say youre happy to see me but your face looks worried! I do not envy those in authority." Context:: This line comes near the very beginning of the play. We use cookies for social media and essential site functions. What a dreadful thing to say! Lets not have the common tongues wag against us. Im lost! Look there! You write down some words, then you scratch them out and write other words in their place. 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iphigenia in aulis monologue mother listen to me

I know what you want to do to me Go on! 'Iphigenia' is the great achievement of Michael Cacoyannis. I dont want anyone to think despicable things about me. And this, my lady, this is no lie, believe me! Iphigeneia The same song, mother, the same words tell both our fates, dear mother and I Ive lost the days sweet light, the sweet light of the suns rays! Chorus What an awful, pitiful fate you must endure, child! How could I possibly express my gratitude to you in a modest way? 1110. Klytaimestra Unfortunate, Achilles, yes, that is true! Be careful not to disgrace your ancestors house. First Chorus Theyre off to bring back Helen, Menelaos wife, whom Paris, the Trojan cowherd, abducted from her home inSparta, a city built by the reed-covered banks of the river, Eurotas. I could not. I have left Pharsalia and Peleas, my father, to come here. But, no, instead of that, I have brought her to her slaughter! I must go. Klytaimestra And is that where hell take our daughter? - Taken from "Iphigenia in Aulis" written by Euripides Read more Previous page Print length 94 pages Language English Publication date February 10, 2022 Dimensions You locked yourself up indoors and became totally unapproachable to everyone. I envy any man whose life passes quietly, unnoticed by fame. In the beginning of the play, Agamemnon . This work may be freely reproduced, stored and transmitted, electronically or otherwise, for any non-commercial purpose. Iphigenia (1977) - Iphigenia (1977) - User Reviews - IMDb What an awful burden Helen andTroyhave become for us! If you cannot persuade him then come back to me. Iphigeneia at Aulis. Chorus That is, if what they say about you being Ledas daughter is true. Then you scratch away the seal and then you throw its pine frame onto the ground and then you begin to cry profusely! Its a meadow full of bright and beautiful flowers. Clytemnestra Character Analysis in Iphigenia at Aulis | LitCharts Klytaimestra May joy be with you for ever, Achilles. How I wish he never lived at that meadow where all the flowers bloomed: roses and hyacinths, all those flowers that the goddesses plucked. Please lend me your arms, so that I may get down from the seat of this carriage modestly. Help us for that reason and help us, too, because if my daughter is killed on the altar that would be a bad omen for your future marital prospects, an omen you should try and avoid. Among these the problem of the prologue is as clear-cut as it is controversial.2 It may be summarized as follows: (I) Our text opens abruptly with an anapaestic dialogue between Agamem-non and the Retainer (1-48), instead of the usual monologue in trimeters. Aided and abetted by the gods! Listen to Books & Original Audio Performances : Book Depository Books With Free Delivery Worldwide: Box Office Mojo Find Movie Box Office Data: ComiXology Do you think Im some slave of yours? Achilles! I can see you there now: a nobleman becoming a brother-in-law to a nobleman, to the divine Achilles, the son of Thetis the Nereid. 58. With his own sword, madam he will make bloody the young girls white neck bloody it with her own blood! Chorus What joyful news that messenger has brought you, my lady! Old Man Yes, my lady and so, I am more loyal to you than I am to your husband. If I must then I shall wash away her oracle with my blood, with my sacrifice upon her altar. Old Man How can you say such a thing, my lord? First Chorus What an awful thing it is for brothers whose views differ to come to insults! Exit Agamemnon. No mother, no father. Euripides (484 BCE - 406 BCE) Translated by Theodore Alois Buckley (1825 - 1856). Madam, let this sword of mine bear witness to what Im about to say! I would have given it if the Greeks couldnt get to Troy without my doing so. Gluck: Overture to "Iphigenia in Aulis" / Mori - YouTube Youd greet anyone and everyone, hoping with this behaviour to gain their approval and thus become their leader. As for the other sort, the bad ones, they are everywhere! Iphigenia in Aulis is an Attic, or Greek, tragedy composed by Euripides (circa 480-406 BCE). It seems that the generals do as they please with me. He managed to film a Greek tragedy to screen without losing its effectiveness and importance. Me, Leda's daughter, hapless dame, First blooming offspring of her bed. Chorus And so, the blessed couple were wed by the gods: The nobly born oldest daughter of Nereas and Peleas. Yet it is right that she should come with her sweet daughter to give her away as a bride. Agamemnon And you shouldnt be hanging around here, among all the soldiers! iphigenia in aulis monologue mother listen to me. I have no one else to turn to, no other friend, no other altar to pray upon. The Plot of Iphigeneia at Aulis. The barbarian blood of the sons of Atreas, of your husband, madam and that of his brother, if either of them snatches your daughter from my hands! Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. Your father has gone, my darling and abandoned you to Hades! 1600. 510. What a sweet joy! Can you pronounce this word better. Chiron, they cried out, Chiron who knows well the meaning of Apollos words, foretells that youll give Thessaly a son, a boy wholl be its brightest light. Soon youll wake up a happy young man, my son. Argue with others about that. What ruin, what catastrophe youve brought upon me by running off with Helen! Menelaos No! Are you still sleeping my baby? She has flown away to the Heavens! This last one, Helen, had received the most famous, the greatest sons of the whole ofHellasas her suitors ferocious threats of murder were uttered by those who had missed out on her. Thats Achilles, my darling. Here are the two of us, ones a baby, the other a grown up girl, a brother and a sister, both your children, begging you, by your beard, pleading with you. I, too feel the same pain so I wont be angry with you. My mother! Klytaimestra Ive come out here looking for my husband. Menelaos Listen to me, Agamemnon! 860. He announced that if we did make that offering to the goddess, we would be able to sail away and we would succeed in sacking the Phrygian capital,Troy; otherwise we would fail. 640. Klytaimestra How can there be a death and not a grave? Then, the moment you became one, all this nice behaviour changed and you had turned your back on all your friends. Leave! Your fathers holy water is waiting for you! Ah! Iphigeneia Well then, get rid of this ugly frown from the face that I love so much! How much suffering, how much pain has Helen, Tyndareus daughter, brought upon us, upon the children of Danaus! Menelaos And you should not be bringing so much trouble to the Greeks! If the gods are just, then they should reward just men like you. Old man is being too slow for Agamemnon. This is very dangerous indeed, my lord! Achilles No, my lady, dont call your daughter out to see me. Klytaimestra Our other daughters are looked after well and they are safe in their quarters. Chorus He is the Trojan Ganymede, the loving delight of Zeus bed! Why run away? Old man, come out here! Finally, my old friend, he came upon the answer. In his frenzy, he rushed about the whole ofGreece, calling upon everyone to remember Tyndareus solemn oath and to help him, since he was the wronged husband. Achilles Alone? She is in there, crying and falling from one abyss of misery into another. She leads her mother into the tent and returns to centre stage. Come, son of a goddess! I need to tell you things that our daughter should not hear. His baby sounds will make no sense but theyll be full of meaning. To Dardanos house, in Troy, to bring back Menelaos wife, Helen. The very last thing you do. Achilles Then listen to me carefully, madam so that well achieve our aim. Agamemnon And if she has already left the safety of her home and if you chance to meet her retinue on the road, send them back again take the reins from their hands and hasten the horses towards the shrines of the Cyclopes. 1440. Iphigeneia Yes, mother. My own heart aches more for poor Hellas than for you because Hellas was about to achieve something great against the barbarians when you and your daughter stopped her; and now these insignificant barbarians will be allowed to go free! 101. Iphignie en Aulide (Gluck) - The Opera Scribe Let someone go and prepare the sacrificial basket and may the blessed fire burn high with the purifying barley. 1531. Agamemnon I envy you, old man! Spare me! Its not Menelaos whos in control here, Iphigeneia. Where is the leader of the Greek army? Iphigeneia Oh, Im so happy youve brought me here to see you. What a price to pay for the sake of saving a slut! Let my pity be a protective blanket over you; it is the pity of a young man but it is a sincere pity, nevertheless and one brought about by the fact that I have been the one named as your daughters husband. IPHIGENIA IN AULIS - Monologue (Iphigenia) - Mighty Actor Klytaimestra Sounds ideal to me. Which of the gods has stolen you? The Plays of Euripides, translated by E. P. Coleridge. I shall speak clearly for you. Old Man Psssst! Achilles But who are you, madam? Then, without anyone forcing you, totally of your accord and dont claim it wasnt- you had sent a letter to your wife to bring Iphigenia here, in the pretence that shed be marrying Achilles. Why where do they say the Phrygians live, father? It has burdened me with lack of sleep and with overactive eyes. We use cookies for essential site functions and for social media integration. I can talk no more. A safe return? And, do I not also have the right to make my own prayer to the gods about you? What a disgraceful behaviour! The world beneath the earth is a world of nothing. From now on, think only of me. Agamemnon Thank goodness youre out here, Ledas daughter. I feel too humiliated to face you after the lies Ive uttered, after the dreadful way Ive been treated! Believe me, madam: Agamemnon will not slaughter her! The Aenians brought twelve ships, captained by their king, Gouneus; and beside them were moored the lords ofEliswhom everyone called Epeians. How full of torment is life for us ephemeral creatures! Dont look at me for that, I cant give you one! When is the wedding? He is the son of the goddess Thetis, and his tutor was Cheiron, the most honourable of all the centaurs. First Chorus Helen was given as a gift toParis, by Aphrodite, one day when, near the cool springs, she won the beauty contest from her rivals, Hera and Palas Athena. What a weak little helper you are, my tiny brother! First Chorus We have come to watch the army of the divine Greeks and their thousand ships. 180. 570. Agamemnon approaches Iphigeneia and tries to console her. Old Man A slave. Agamemnon My old friend, Thestius daughter, Leda, had three daughters: Phoebe, Klytaimestra (my wife) and Helen. 1260. What an awful Fate the gods have delivered to you! It was written sometime between 408 and 406 BCE (the date of his death) and was first produced in the year following his death, where it won first place at the Athenian City Dionysia contest. Youll be back inArgos, taking care of our other daughters. What should I call them? Youre the son of a god and I am a mere mortal! Clytemnestra hears that Achilles is faithless, whereupon she at once urges Iphigenia to leave Aulis and return home. Iphegenia at Aulis) was left unfinished at Euripides' death in 406 BCE, and so the beginning and the ending especially are mutilated and choppy.Completed by someone else, it along with The Bacchae and the lost Alcmaeon formed a trio produced in Athens which won Euripides a fifth albeit posthumous first prize.. Agamemnon recounts the recent history of Helen's suitors . Old Man Menelaos! Agamemnon Zeus himself gave her to him. And help me, too. 710. You are the cause of this miserable conflict between the sons of Atreas and their children! Only fools would pray to go down there. It is a madness I cannot control. Gone! Weve been robbed! Achilles Ah! This masterful play is masterfully adapted for the screen and brought to life by a wonderful cast. Oh, goddess who lets her brilliant light roll along through the gloomy darkness of the night! First Chorus I sped through Artemis woods, a place rich with sacrifices, my youthful shyness blushing my cheeks, anxious to see the armys might, the tents of the Greeks and their countless horses. Calchas. Chorus He said your daughter is still alive, my lady! Thank you, my sweet daughter! Its a common thing for a man to be shy when he meets his relatives for the first time and theyre talking about marriage! He was the one responsible for that job. Current location in this text. Klytaimestra Did they? Now call her out here so she can follow me to the altar. But listen to me, Iphigeneia. Agamemnon What? Oh, your poor cheeks, your poor beautiful, golden hair, your youthful breasts! 240, First Chorus Their emblem was the goddess, Palas Athena, standing on a chariot pulled by winged horses, an emblem that pleased and encouraged the sailors. It was there, at that meadow, that these three women came before Paris to put an end to their dire contest about which of them was the most beautiful. The Greek army is getting ready to sail. Promise me that you wont cut even a strand of your hair in mourning nor wear black! What is it that I need to hear alone, out here? Enter Achilles with fellow soldiers in full armour. Old Man Because Menelaos took it away from me, my lady. Iphigenia among the Taurians, Bacchae, Iphigenia at Aulis, Rhesus You may accept or manage cookie usage at any time. Klytaimestra Darling, no! Towards this now, mother turn your thoughts, and with me weigh how well I speak; to me the whole of mighty Hellas looks; on me the passage over the sea depends; on me the sack of Troy; [1380] and in my power it lies to check henceforth barbarian raids on happy Hellas, if ever in the days to come they seek to seize her women, when once they have Are you here to add to the mountain of dread I have to endure already? Please dont get angry with me. IPHIGENIA IN AULIS - Monologue (Clytemnestra) - Mighty Actor Its not my fault she left you for another man, so why should I pay for your mistakes? Oh, my girl! He alone did it, he, alone, with his very own hand! Let that act be what Ill be remembered by. Enter a Perseus citation to go to another section or work. A city built by the Cyclopes! 821. Menelaos Yes, you may well suffer now because I did break your seal and yes, I do know the secret trickery you were concocting! And so, the Greeks ordered you to let them board their ships and go back home and to stop wasting their efforts here. Your words are good, worthy of our country. Iphigenia In Tauris - Project Gutenberg 990. Still, if I fail? As Iphigeneia approaches her, Agamemnon enters. Both of us, darling! Old Man That? First Chorus And it is a great thing to follow the footprints of virtue like a hunter follows the footprints of his prey. Chorus Friends, let us sing our prayer to Artemis! Did they not side with you? You say youre happy to see me but your face looks worried! I do not envy those in authority." Context:: This line comes near the very beginning of the play. We use cookies for social media and essential site functions. What a dreadful thing to say! Lets not have the common tongues wag against us. Im lost! Look there! You write down some words, then you scratch them out and write other words in their place.

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iphigenia in aulis monologue mother listen to me

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iphigenia in aulis monologue mother listen to me

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