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April 9, 2023
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podcast topics for adults

You could discuss ways to build a diverse marketing plan and brand a business. The Advent Calendar House podcast is a salute to all TV holiday specials, with a strong focus on Christmas. They can also be used by teens in a relationship for a while and want to find out more about someone. Sleep with Me: Think of this podcast as bedtime stories for adults. Most of these Halloween costumes double as stylish additions to your closet. Produce condensed, information-packed podcast episodes that get straight to the point. Youll want comedian Nicole Byer to be your best friend after you listen to Why Wont You Date Me?, in which she brings on other comedians and writers to talk about the nitty gritty of their relationships and dating lives. Q&A podcasts are a great way to involve your audience, increase listener engagement, and make highly relevant content. Interest is also critical because, especially in the beginning, your first few episodes may not see any downloads immediately. Read to start your own podcast? With Castos Podcast Launch Service, our team of professional audio engineers, show note writers, and marketing pros work with you to create marketing assets, map out episodes, and make sure your podcast is set up for success. Have a couple each describe their first meeting, an interviewer and interviewee recount the interview that got them the job, or a police officer and inmate remember an unexpected arrest. After youve given these factors some thought, youll likely generate some podcast ideas. 2. All the dance numbers! Second Serve Podcast is the only tennis podcast created exclusively for adult recreational players by everyday tennis players. As youre coming up with good topics for podcasts, consider which format will work the best for your show. There are also podcasts for those who need to learn business English. To find your voice, consider the following: Once youve explored your voice and who you want to be as a podcaster, think about your audience. Help your listeners relax and cover meditations for different topics or emotions, such as anger, stress, sadness, gratitude, etc. InDeath, Sex, and Money, host Anna Sale dives headfirst into not just sex, but the big questions and hard choices in all areas of life that aren't considered "polite" to talk about. People love exploring the weird, spooky or unexplained. Help listeners simplify their lives with productivity hacks. Here are our favorite shows that nail this concept: To find your differentiator, it often helps to make a broad topic niche. Are you a counselor or coach? Fun adult play activity ideas to try out: 1. Top Five Lists 12. With a completed listener persona in hand, lets jump into what makes a podcast idea good. You can cover subjects like prepping, gear, or the best places to hike in various regions. You can create content to help retired folks find work, navigate finances, or start a new endeavor. Also in ESL Teacher Podcasts oupeltglobalblog.c.. Take this framework and apply it to any number of stories. In some cases, an audience just wants to be entertained or distracted for a while. Hacks can relate to anything from cleaning to where to find the best deals. Theres no way to make money off this!, One Platform to Power Your Podcast Business. Choosing the right topic for your new podcast is foundational to your show's success. The adage goes there are three sides to every story: my version, your version, and the truth. Some podcasts, like This. Daily Task Narration 11. Start a podcast to share your knowledge, or interview other entrepreneurs about their experiences. Each episode, the hosts research and review porn based on popular search terms. InWe Gotta Thing, married couple, identified only as Mr. and Mrs. Jones, openly (and, fair warning, explicitly) discuss their experiences in the swinging lifestyle. A lot of shows focus on extraordinary people, such as business leaders, celebrities, or the especially talented. Step 2: Log in to Apple Podcasts Connect. Learning a new skill When brainstorming what to talk about on a podcast, why not record yourself learning a new skill you've been wanting to pick up? How do you learn about your audiences problems? This could be your favorite book series, movie genre, professional industry, or music scene. You dont have to be an expert on something to make a podcast about it! History podcasts were some of the first shows to make it on iTunes. With more than 375 episodes to their name, the Bowery Boys have dug deep into the trenches of New York history and left no stone unturned in their enthrallingly personal . You can teach listeners to write grants, scripts, blogs, or just develop a daily journaling practice. Host Chris Duce understands this firsthandhe was raised Mormon and spends a lot of the show reflecting on his upbringing and his relationship with growing up. Event planning is a big industry, so youre bound to get some listeners if you cover it in your podcast. Like most podcasters, you may want to monetize your show at some point, so its important to consider how your potential topic will lend itself to revenue in the future. This podcast, hosted by comedians Krystyna Hutchinson and Corinne Fisher, lets you be a fly on the wall for the raunchier, weirder reincarnation ofSex and the City. Show off pictures and videos of your results on your podcast website. On the show, Hutchinson and Fisher discuss their own sex lives (hilariously, we might add) and even bring some of their conquests on as guests. There are countless community newspapers around the US that are chock full of small town news. As you collect the information, start drafting an ideal listener avatar so you can continue building this persona as your show comes to life. But there are countless regular people in the world with interesting stories to tell. Take careful notes so you can walk your listeners through a day in the life. Or you could speak with a sanitation worker to explain what really goes on with our trash. Let's take the mystery out of looking for the best podcast for seniors or older adults. True crime 6. Planet Money - Brought to you by the producers of This American Life, discussing all-things economy. #Millennial | The Podcast for Millennials US You can review practically anything, and this topic makes it easy to land sponsorship deals with brands in your niche. These are some of the more popular podcast topics out there. Know your way around starting a business? People love hearing exciting crime stories, especially if theyre true. People love listening to good stories, and you can make it a serial drama so you have a new episode each week. With ASMR, you dont have to talk. Celestial Sexis here for anyone who grew up in a religious or otherwise repressive environment when it came to sex and needs to talk it out. Get your ideas flowing with these 101 topics to talk about on a podcast. Pare them down by answering the four critical questions then record your first episode! Request a consultation today. Related to your current business. Want to host a club and keep everyone on the same page? The show sparks curiosity and reflection through the innovative topics it explores: the McMansion phenomenon, unpleasant design and the origin story of curb cuts are but a few of the niche yet nuanced subjects tackled. Reach out on Twitter. In this article, we share dozens of unique podcast topic ideas to help you find the one you can stick with for the long haul! To start brainstorming podcast ideas, think about what interests you and how you want to express your voice. Tying your theme to a time is a great way to stay on schedule, but youll probably have to think of a subject to cover in your podcast as well. Podcasts for Seniors Our List Aging in Full Bloom with Lisa Stockdale Short episodes (usually less than 15 minutes) about senior concerns like memory maintenance, assisted living, and good emotional health can be found here. An area where you can find topic ideas are the lists on podcast platforms like Apple. In the end, your podcast has to be an intersection of these 3 main items: The best shows are laser focused on these 3 key aspects and they guide many of the content decisions they make. Theyre sticky. You can rate everything from food or travel spots to beauty products or tech. Join Dr. Regan for this episode on the quest for balance on the autism spectrum. To help you get some memorable topic ideas, we have gathered lists of topics that could be used in any type of debate like Lincoln-Douglas debate topics, rebuttal debates, and others. Branding is such a huge part of a successful 21st-century digital marketing strategy. If you're an adventure junkie, you're probably a valuable resource for others looking to start the same activities. "Honestly Aging's . 99% Invisible. 2. Its hard for anyone to resist a good top 10 list thats why this format is so popular across all media. The final episode aired 4.10.19. Repurposed content takes some kind of pre-recorded media and transforms it into podcast format. Theyre a treasure trove of information about problems people are having, specific things theyre interested in, and areas that you could focus your podcast topics on. Talk about your successes and failures. Make your show more specific by covering personal finance for single parents, U.S. expats living abroad, or some other targeted audience. Entrepreneurship 13. Talking about their favorite teams with other sports fans! Have A Signature Question. Audio dramas are typically heavily produced, so they can require a bit more work to put together. You can focus on a particular country or region of the world or cover the entire globe. Having celebrities on your podcast is a huge draw to new listeners and can help you get featured on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. What about all the other podcasts that already exist in your niche? Magic & Illusion You don't have to be a magician to make magic with this podcast theme! Imagine having a conversation with one of your listeners. Product reviews 4. Create a tutorial podcast, where you teach listeners how to use a tool, complete a process, or work on a skill. The 20 best sex, erotica, and relationship podcasts > Life > Sex, Dating & Relationships The inherently personal quality of audio makes podcasting one of the best formats for conversations around. Continue reading, and you will definitely find a great topic. Help your listeners relax and cover meditations for different topics or emotions, such as anger, stress, sadness, gratitude, etc. In short, if your topic bores you, itll seep into your language and it wont be long before your audience picks up on it. Follow up with the submitters later to learn about their results and publish that as well. The world needs more diverse voices and this podcast brings several to an important topic. These days, professionals, thought leaders, therapists, and doctors are making their own podcasts that revolve entirely around topics like happiness, building healthy habits, anxiety relief, procrastination, and spirituality. The result is My Dad Wrote a Porno, one of the most-listened-to podcasts in the UK and its own HBO special in the U.S. Its addictive and funny, but start from the beginning or you wont understand why Belinda blinked! You can change it up by taking listener calls or incorporating interesting segments within your episodes. Want to shut your brain off and be entertained? Technology is a vast topic to explore and can take form as several types of podcasts. Share the best little-known travel spots, what to do when you get there, and personal stories of your own travel adventures. Create shorter, daily episodes to keep listeners up-to-date on various topics. You can try out and review new hobbies, offer advice for transitioning to a new phase of life, or cover the financial aspect of retiring. It helps to pick a niche, like beauty, sports gear, hiking equipment or clothing, and stick to products from that niche. Ultimately, listeners look for entertainment, valuable information or thought-provoking topics. We Can Do Hard Things with Glennon Doyle. Dont talk about health and fitness one week, then news and politics the next week. Attend an event that relates to your podcast topic and bring some recording gear. Anna Faris is Unqualified. Ideas for Adults - My Encounter with Jesus - Session 2. property of Restream, Inc. Create top 10 lists of whatever you think people will find interesting. You could also interview attendees to learn their big takeaways from the event or key players (like speakers or the podcast host) to get their thoughts. Empowering older adults to become digital citizens will not only help them stay connected, but help them access essential services like housing. If you're a wedding planner, this is a great way to market your services or sell an online course, too. They offer something you cant find elsewhere or talk about a conventional topic in a new way. Immediately, people give deep thought to a question about their struggles. Who are the most interesting Star Wars characters? Maybe youll talk about unique tools, sophisticated machines, and engineering as a career. This is a popular podcast category, though, so aim to be specific and find a unique take on current events. Joining relevant Facebook groups is a great way to do this within your niche. Have a passion for tracking down a storm and understanding weather systems? 121 Funny Debate Topics for Your Class Last Updated: August 5, 2022 Written By Jim Peterson Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. 1. Devote an episode to each one that chronicles their life and story. Podcasts are the perfect medium for guided meditations. S-Town - Two popular podcasts come together to talk about a man called John who wants to change his life for the better. Explain how they got into their industry or hobby and how they shaped it. As you can imagine, the results are sexy and very NSFW, like porn for your ears. It is aimed at English language learners from A1 to B1 levels and episodes are discussion-based and cover common everyday situations.Every episode comes with a transcript and a support pack with exercises to test your understanding. Tutorials 16. Create a wedding prep series that can be listened to like a course. Kimmy Foskett was challenged by her therapist to break her bad dating habits by going on 100 first datesand the 51 First Dates podcast was born. This is an excellent option for churches to publish episodes of their sermons, or a speaker to post speeches made at conferences, retreats, etc. Promote Your Podcast Sponsor this list Podcasters Contacts Spreadsheet Adulting Podcasts Here are 35 Best Adulting Podcasts worth listening to in 2023 1. Part comedy, part travel, wholly riveting, recent episodes have included a Sex Worker State of the Union, where the sex workers themselves talk about the current affairs of their industry, and an exploration of American sex tourism in other countries. Or kids coloring books, because who cares! With your client's permission, you can record their session. Find interesting stories from the pages of history and spread the word. Create a self-help podcast for a specific group of people. 10. You can even broadcast your Q&A live every once in a while to promote your show. Instead of a general nutrition podcast, consider focusing on nutrition for busy moms or individuals with a specific medical condition. Discuss Current Events 9. Friends and comedians Catherine Cohen and Pat Regan host this insanely funny podcast. This means in order to choose a podcast topic, you have to know your audience well enough to understand what they need. At the same time . 100+ Podcast Topic ideas 1. You can talk about whether youve applied this advice in your life and how it went for you. Share the best places to cycle, gear recommendations and reviews, or stories of your own cycling adventures. Teach influencers or business professionals how to harness social media for their personal brand, business, or startup. Each episode, she talks about her own life and then picks a few reader submissions to go over, in which she explains everything from which sex toys are best for which proclivities and how multiple orgasms are totally a thing. The Best Podcasts. By Justin. All the nudity of porn, but with the plot and storylines of mainstream film. You could create a podcast around everyday cooking, car maintenance, or navigating the increasingly complex Facebook. Click here for a 20-minute podcast for both the group member and the leader. Stock market 15. Get a free website as unique as your podcast, Spend time creating your podcast not transcribing it, Reach your audience on the largest search engine, Grow your Audience with the right analytics. The outdoors is a popular podcast topic with lots of opportunities for a unique angle. Parents gonna parent! Have your listeners their favorite shows and episodes for inspiration. Has A Unique Angle. Dr. Justin Lehmiller is a Kinsey Institute researcher who's seen it all, and wants to share with listeners why we're like that. Give listeners actionable advice on how to improve their marketing. You can also interview listeners on their own suggestions and travel stories. DIY tutorials. The Bowery Boys. Find out, and maybe even laugh about it. 11. Learn more about podcast copyright laws to ensure you keep your music podcast legal! Use deep conversation topics to get to those more interesting discussions everyone would rather be having. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Castos is the all-in-one podcasting platform that helps you grow your audience and monetize your content. Make things easy for listeners by doing research for them. Netflix owes us answers after that ending. Knowing these podcast ideas are already popular with large audiences, you may be tempted to jump right into one of these topics. Partner with us to create an impactful B2B podcast for your brand. Kids listen to podcasts too! Give listeners a valuable nugget of inspiration, motivation or advice each day with a short podcast. This improves all the various aspects of your professional life in which you will like to see growth. Instead of interviewing a guest and piecing the best parts together in post-production, consider recording long-form interviews that don't require editing. If you make a kids podcast, be sure to target a specific age group. The purpose of a podcast is to address the needs of your audience. Every week, they invite "a non-boring guest to dish the dirt on living, laughing, and yeahloving." To stand out among the competition, try to narrow the topic to a specific topic: personality types, age group, stage of life, Jungian psychology, etc. Give the history of a sport, interview athletes, or recap the latest game. Ashley Hessentine and Rayna Greenberg brilliantly combine two of the best things in the worldfood and sexin this witty, often raw show about dating in the modern age. We are passionate about the game and our episodes are geared towards adults playing a sport in the later years of life (hence, the name "Second Serve"). Gotta use that code . Date: March 12, 2023 Session Title: Jesus Restored My Life The Point: Jesus restored what was broken in my life. Do you follow a TV show, book series, sports team, or music scene? Kelsey Hall and Josh Pearson host the podcast which features interviews with experts in the fields of AT and AAC, as well as reviews of products. The Bugle is a weekly podcast led by Andy Zaltzman and company that reports on the latest news happening around the world before picking it apart with a panel of comedians. Narrate into a microphone while you perform a task that relates to your overall podcast topic. Or staring out the window judging if youd be able to land a jump to the ground? Solves One Specific Problem. Also, think about your audience and the kind of conversation youd like to have with a listener. Create a podcast that discusses different shows, actors, and other trending topics around Broadway shows. to the logistics of polyamory make 'Dear Jessamyn' an LGBTQIA+ friendly, truly educational must-listen for anyone who's ever been interested in someone else. This podcast topic is easy to create content around because its closely related to something you love dearly. You can focus on a specific location or keep it general. Choose something that you wont get tired of talking or thinking about too. Detail exactly who your ideal listener is. Theres a convention or event of some kind for every industry. Things will progress naturally from there and before you know it, you'll be looking at the clock, wondering where the time went. You can use this format for virtually any topic. Research facts about historical figures, share biographies, or educate listeners on a particular time in history. A great way to spread festive cheer, unite the Christmas-enthusiasts, and build a specific podcasting niche. Alban Brooke is the Head of Marketing at Buzzsprout and the co-host of Buzzcast. Millennial podcast is about journeying through young adu . An alternate lifestyle can mean a lot of things. Interview Other Podcasters 2. There's no shortage of alternative health modalities and plenty of people are interested in the topic.

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podcast topics for adults

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